Our vision is to support parents and schools in achieving the best possible outcomes for all children with SEND

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Upcoming Events  

We provide a range of trips, activities and events for the local community, SEND families and Seldom Heard Communities across Peterborough. Events are face to face or online to reach a range of needs. Where possible, events taking place online are sign supported, recorded and shared publicly on our YouTube Channel

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School offer  

School offer package

Providing expertise through qualified trainers and parent representatives to help strengthen engagement, build trust and increase participation for the best possible outcome for all children with SEND

Parent participation expertise

Our team of parent carers have expertise in the field of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and are qualified to deliver training to adult learners, sharing their extensive experience of delivery locally and nationally

How it works

Building trust in relationships and supporting co-production through establishing micro-forums by way of coffee mornings, training, sign posting sessions and support

Our offer

Providing expertise through qualified trainers and parent representatives to help strengthen engagement, build trust and increase participation for the best possible outcome for all children with SEND

School offer!
Family Voice Training Program

We can provide schools with a full or bespoke package for individual settings that will be based on the particular needs of their population.

“ Thank you to you and your team, your support is invaluable and the knowledge base is amazing. Really enjoyed the session today and thank you for helping our parents ”

Claudia, All Saints School