Topics of Importance
All Topics of Importance (ToI) will be made available on our website. You can read them by following the link.
The Local Authority and Health Partners aim to provide a written response to the ToI within three months of publication. All responses produced so far can be accessed by following the link
Highlight Reports
We aim to produce highlight reports detailing what we have been up to and what parents are telling us on a monthly basis.
Participation Reports
The sharing of views with relevant professionals and organisations completes the mechanisms used by FVP to represent parent carer views in Peterborough. Reports are presented in a range of ways, but mainly as quarterly reports, Topics of Importance, High light Reports and Survey Reports.
Family Voice Peterborough (FVP) has decided after some consideration to adopt the NNPCF approach to raising issues of importance known as ‘talking points’. FVP will listen to what topics parent carers feel are most important, evidence these concerns and collate them into specific ‘Topics of Importance’. These topics will detail the issue under discussion, what is being said, any sources of evidence used to develop the ‘topic of importance, what messages will be given to key partners and possible recommendations for change.’
FVP will choose the ‘topics of importance’ based on evidence gathered through online surveys, social media polls, soft intelligence from face to face and online discussions. FVP will also look to find other innovative ways to engage with parents and listen to their concerns as not all parents make use of social media channels. The Topics of Importance can be found on the side bar along with any responses from Peterborough City Council.