SEND is everybody’s business and we have put this page together to provide some helpful information for parents and professionals alike when helping all our young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
SEND Information Hub (Local Offer)
Every Local Authority (LA) has a legal duty to publish a Local Offer for Children and Young People with SEND and their Parents and Carers. In Peterborough the Local Offer has been co-produced with Parents, Carers and Young People to ensure it meets local needs. The Local Offer provides all the information you may need to help you and your child/ young person navigate the world of SEND; everything from SEN support through to Preparing for Adulthood (PfA).
There is also the opportunity to provide your views own the local offer if you are a SEND parent. To do so why not check it out here (link).
SENI Services
In Peterborough educational support for children, young people and their Parents and Carers is available from the Special Educational Needs & Inclusion (SENI) services. The SENI Services include:
Specialist Teaching Services (including the Autism / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Advisory Teaching Service (AATS), and the Sensory and Physical Support Service (for Hearing and/or Vision impairment and Physical Disabilities)
The Educational Psychology Service (EPS)
The Early Years SEND Specialist and Portage Service
The SEND Partnership Service Information, Advice and Support (SENDPS)
The Local Area SENI Support Service
The Statutory Assessment and Monitoring Service (SAMS)
Special Educational Needs and Inclusion (SENI) Services Brochure 23/24 – A guide to our service
Getting Help
There is a lot of information available to help you and your family with a wide range of topics from support with special educational provision and health services through to leisure and social opportunities, and financial support.
Neurodiversity Booklet
Introducing a new resource for parent carers to enable them to ‘Wait Well’ whilst on the neurodiversity pathway / waiting for neurodiversity assessments. This is built on a resource produced by Essex Parent Carer Forum in partnership with parents from Send the Right Message Southend, Takiwatanga Support Services and professionals from across Health, Education, and Social Care in their Local Authority Area. Please use the booklet to help you and your child/ young person and don’t forget to use the QR code at the end of the booklet to provide feedback. You can also use this link as well to let us know what the difference the booklet makes to you and your family.
FVP Service Directory
Special Educational Needs and Inclusion (SENI) Services Brochure 23/24 – A guide to our service