The latest trends in SEND in Peterborough are concerning, as our analysis shows increased strain on the system and more negative reporting from parent carers. From parental blame to lack of support and involvement in decision making, there are clear challenges. Have you experienced similar issues? If so please let us know by emailing




Dear all,


Every year we run a survey looking at how Parent Carers in Peterborough experience local SEND services, and it is now time for us to run it again. Please can you help us by sharing the following survey and letting us know if you can who you have shared it with, how and when? If you are sharing from within Peterborough City Council you will be invited to complete a spreadsheet with these details in due course.


Family Voice Peterborough Annual SEND Survey 2024

The survey is open until 31st January 2024 and closes at 5pm

We are offering 100 Parent Carers the chance to win tickets to local family activities as a thank-you for participating.

Link to survey


At FVP we recognise that PfA is a concern for our parent carers and we would like to work together to alleviate some of the pressures they are experiencing. We would like to invite you to our task and finish Group on Monday 28th November 11am at Goldhay Community Centre (however if you are unable to attend in person we can also offer a Teams meeting at the same time). Please note that booking is essential in order for us to manage number at our venue. This is looking at a wider PfA offer across health, education, communities and independent living.




As part of the new scheme by Peterborough City Council, we are pleased to announce we shall be running new Community Hubs for support, advice, and companionship during the winter months. 


On both Monday and Wednesday evenings we will be opening The Goldhay Centre between 4pm and 7pm, and also on Saturdays between 11am and 1pm, for people to drop by, have some refreshments, and help themselves to our community fridge for food to take home. There’ll be a chance to chat with staff and volunteers, or get some advice or support, as well as games or colouring in for both adults and children. We will be providing drinks and snacks if you want some, all free of charge, as part of offering a space that is warm and welcoming. 


We also invite you to attend our other free events, such as Tai Chi on Monday afternoons, Craft Club on Tuesday lunchtimes, Cafe and Food Hub on Wednesday mornings, and MIND fortnightly on Thursday afternoons.  Check out the events calendar for more details, or email us on